Thursday, March 15, 2012


 The life’s production and the simbol of time is the clock. It shows the existent of the past, the present and the future. The clock is a mecanizm which create a relation which doesn’t know the limit. We need time and so we need clocks. This mecanizm needs time to work. Human being borns, lives and in the end dies. We ignore time when we are alone, so we need a relation with something or somebody to complete ourselfs.
The clock create with us this relation since the day we born, and year by year it shows us the same thing but with one differnce, she runs with us every single day of our life. So, the clock becomes our guide. We need time to work, to sleep, to have fun, to eat, to complete our needs. Also we need time to know and understand our family and our friends. We need time for reflection, to choose, for aproval and ignore.
We marry with someone to create a new life, to try to solve together the problems, the mistakes, our choises, to inspirate or being inspirated, to feel safe and to share experiences. And the clock does all this. She shows to us the rhyme of the life which is collapsed by the man. At this case, the clock is personotificated and she lives under her pulse.
We are soraounded by the clock, we see them in our walls, hands, in our citys, cellphones, ready to wakes us up, ready to guide us in our daily life, sometimes to shows us the good choises and sometimes to shows us that for the wrong choises she can’t turn back around ...

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